Kabaddi, also spelled kabbadi or kabadi, is a game played between two teams on opposite halves of a field or court. Individual players take turns crossing onto the other team’s side; points are scored by tagging as many opponents as possible without being caught or taking a breath before returning to one’s home territory. Each team consists of 7 players.

Result: it is offered to predict, which team will be the match winner. The following betting options are available:

  • Win 1: victory of team 1.  
  • X: the match ends in a draw.
  • Win 2: victory of team 2.

Double chance

Double chance: it is offered to predict two match outcomes simultaneously, and if one of the outcomes is predicted correctly, the bet will be calculated as won. The following betting options are available:  

  • 1X: the match ends with either team 1 victory or a draw.
  • 12: the match ends with victory of either team 1 or team 2.
  • X2: the match ends with either victory of team 2 or a draw.

The example:

 If the match ends with the score 45:45, then the bets 1X and X2 will be calculated as won, and the bet 12 will be lost.Handicap

Handicap: handicap is the advantage or disadvantage in points which is attributed to a team. The team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner of the match after the handicap adjustments are performed.

Positive: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner of the match after the advantage of points, the number of which is defined as the handicap argument, is added to the team’s final score.

The example:

The bet: Handicap 2 (2). The bet is made on team 2, and “2” is the handicap argument. For this bet to be calculated as won, team 2 must be the winner of the match after we add the advantage of 2 points to its final score. Let us review three possible outcomes of this bet:

  • The match ended with the score 53:52. When we add the advantage of 2 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 53:54. In this case, the bet is won, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, team 2 is the winner of the match.
  • The match ended with the score 53:50. When we add the advantage of 2 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 53:52. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the adjustment of handicap advantage, team 2 is not the winner of the match.   
  • The match ended with the score 53:51. When we add the advantage of 2 points to the final score of team 2, the score becomes 53:53. In this case, the bet is refunded, as after the adjustment of the handicap advantage, the score becomes a draw.

Negative: in this handicap type, the team, on which the bet is made, must become the winner of the match after the number of points defined by the value of handicap argument is subtracted from the team’s final score. 

The example:

The bet: handicap 1(-2): The bet is made for team 1, and “-2” is the handicap argument.  For the bet to be won, team 1 must be the winner of the match after we subtract 2 points from its final score. Let us review the possible outcomes of this bet:

  • The match ended with the score 54:51. When we subtract 2 points from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 52:51. In this case, the bet is won, as after the handicap adjustments, team 1 is still the winner of the match.
  • The match ended with the score 52:51. When we subtract 2 points from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 50:51. In this case, the bet is lost, as after the handicap adjustments, team 1 is not the winner of the match any more.
  • The match ended with the score 54:52. When we subtract 2 points from the final score of team 1, the score becomes 52:52. In this case, the bet is refunded, as after the handicap adjustments, the score becomes a draw.

Asian Handicap

Asian  Handicap: in this bet type, the value of handicap argument is the number, which is the multiple of 0.25 (which means that it can be divided by 0.25 without a remainder). For example, 0.25; 1.25; 1.75 etc. When you make Asian Handicap bet, your bet amount is automatically divided into two equal bets with the same odds, however, with two different bet arguments. Here, the argument of one bet will be the number, which is received, when we add 0.25 to the general argument value. The argument of the other bet will be the number, which is received after we subtract 0.25 from the argument value.

The example:

The bet is Handicap 2 (1.75) with the odds 3. The bet is made for team 2, and “1.75” is the bet argument here. Let us suppose that the bet amount was 100; it means that the bet is divided into two bets:

Handicap 2 (1.5), with the bet amount 50 and the odds 3(the bet argument here: 1.75-0.25)

Handicap 2 (2), with the bet amount 50 and the odds 3(the bet argument here: 1.75+0.25)

Therefore, we received two ordinary handicap bets, and the calculation will be performed on the outcomes of these two bets. Let us now review the possible calculation options of this bet:

  • The bet Handicap 2 (1.75) is completely won. It means that two bets:  Handicap 2 (1.5) and Handicap 2 (2) will be wonFor instance, with the score 50:49, both bets will be won. In order to calculate winning amount, the general bet amount is multiplied by the bet odds. The bet amount is 100, and the odd is 3. Therefore, the won amount is 100×3=300.
  • The bet Handicap 2 (1.75) is completely lost. It means that two bets: Handicap 2 (1.5) and Handicap 2 (2) will be lost. For instance, with the score 53:50, both bets will be lost.
  • The bet Handicap 2 (1.75) is partially lost and partially refunded. It means that one of the bets will be lost, and the other one will be refunded. For instance, with the score 52:50, the bet Handicap 2(2) will be refunded and the bet Handicap 2 (1.5) will be lost. In this case, the refunded amount will be equal to the half of general bet amount. The general bet amount is 100, so the refunded amount will be 50.

Now, let us review the example of Asian handicap bet, which is calculated as partially won and partially refunded:

The bet is Handicap 2 (0.25) with the odds 2, the bet amount is 200. The bet is made for team 2 and “0.25” is the bet argument. It means that the bet is divided into two bets:

Handicap 2 (0.5),with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2 (the bet argument here: 0.25+0.25)

Handicap 2(0),with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2 (the bet argument here: 0.25-0.25)

Let us suppose that the match ended with the score 50-50. Then, this bet will be calculated as partially won and partially refunded. It means that one of the bets is settled as won, and the other as refunded. In this case, the bet: Handicap 2 (0.5) will be settled as won, and the bet Handicap 2 (0) will be settled as refunded. The winning amount is calculated according to the following formula:

bet amount × (odds+1)÷2

Thus, if we calculate the bet amount, it will be 200 × (2+1)÷2=300.Total

Total: it is offered to predict if the total number of scored points will be over or under the selected value of bet argument. The following betting options are available.

  • Total over: the number of points must exceed the selected value of bet argument. In case the total number of points and the value of the bet argument coincide, the bet is refunded.

The example:

The bet: total over (45). In this bet, “45” is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of points scored in the match must be over 45. In case the total number of points equals to 45, the bet will be refunded.

  • Total under: the number of points must be lower than the selected value of bet argument. In case the total number of points and the value of the bet argument coincide, the bet will be refunded.

The example:

The bet: total under (45). In this bet, “45” is the bet argument. Therefore, for the bet to be won, the total number of points scored in the match must be lower than 45. In case the total number of points equals to 45, the bet will be refunded.Asian Total

Asian total: in this type of bet for total, the value of bet argument is the number, which is the multiple of 0.25 (which means that it can be divided by 0.25 without a remainder). For example, 0.25; 1.25; 1.75 etc. When you make an Asian Total bet, your bet amount is automatically divided into two equal bets with the same odds, however with two different total arguments. Here, the argument of one bet will be the number, which is received, after we add 0.25 to the argument value. The argument of the other bet will be the number, which is received after we subtract 0.25 from the argument value.

The example:

The bet: Total over (90.75) with the odds 2.5. Here “0.75” is the bet argument. Let us suppose that the bet amount was 200. Therefore, we receive two ordinary bets on total:

Total over (91) with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2.5 (the bet argument here is 90.75+0.25)

Total over (90.5) with the bet amount of 100 and the odds 2.5 (the bet argument here is 90.75-0.25)   

Therefore, we received two ordinary total bets, and the calculation will be performed on the outcomes of these two bets. Let us review the possible calculation options of this bet:

  • The bet total over (90.75) is completely won. It means that two bets: Total over (91) and Total over (90.5) must be settled as won. For instance, in case of the match score: 46:46, both bets will be settled as won. In order to calculate the winning amount, the general bet amount is multiplied by the bet’s odds. In this case, 200 × 2.5=500.
  • The bet total over (90.75) is completely lost. It means that two bets: Total over (91) and Total over (90.5) must be settled as lost. For instance, in case of the match score 45:45, both bets will be settled as lost. In this case, the player loses the bet amount. 
  • The bet total over (0.75) is partially won and partially refunded. It means that one of the bets must be settled as won and the other as refunded. For instance, in case of match score 45:46, the bet:  Total over (90.5) will be settled as won and the bet: Total over (1) will be settled as refunded. The winning amount here is calculated according to the following formula:

bet amount × (odds+1 )÷ 2

Thus, if we calculate the bet amount, it will be 200 × (2.5+1) ÷2=350.

Now let us review the example of Asian total, which will be calculated as partially lost and partially refunded.

The bet: total under (91.75) with the odds 1.5. Here “91.75” is the bet argument. Let us suppose that the bet amount is 300. Therefore, we receive two ordinary bets on total:

Total under (92) with the bet amount of 150 and the odds 1.5 (the bet argument here is 91.75+0.25)

Total under (91.5) with the bet amount of 150 and the odds 1.5 (the bet argument here is 91.75-0.25)

Let us suppose that the match ended with the score 47:45. Then, this bet will be calculated as partially lost and partially refunded. In this case, the bet: Total under (91.5) will be settled as lost, and the bet: Total under (92) will be settled as refunded. In this case, the user will be refunded half of the general bet amount. The general bet amount was 300, so the refunded amount will be 150.Total Odd/Even

Total Odd/Even: it is offered to predict if the total number of points scored in the match will be an even or an odd number. The following betting options are available.

  • Even: the total number of points scored in the match will be even.
  • Odd: the total number of points scored in the match will be odd.